So you’re all booked in for your neck lift procedure and now you’re wondering, so what happens after the surgery? Now that the surgeon’s hard work is done, it’s your turn to ensure the best possible recovery for yourself.

Here are our top seven tips for achieving the best results.

Be prepared

The first day after a neck lift procedure can be uncomfortable, so you’ll want to make sure that you’ve got some support – whether that be friends or family – to help make your recovery smoother.

Having someone take you home, prepare your meals and help you with any strenuous daily activities can help speed up recovery. Alternatively, you may like to prepare some meals, do your laundry and any house cleaning in advance of your surgery.

Wear comfortable and loose clothes

Its recommended to stay away from pull-over shirts for the first few weeks. Instead, opt for loose clothing that’s comfortable and won’t irritate your neck. Button-up shirts or something that you can easily slip on are the best options.

Stay hydrated

Not hydrating enough can cause your skin to dehydrate and contract – especially at the incision site. With that, it’ll not only result in impaired wound healing, but also the formation of scars.

To prevent any complications from occurring, it’s recommended that you drink a minimum of eight glasses of water a day.

Minimise swelling with ice

Make sure you’ve got ice packs on hand as they can help with managing both pain and swelling. When using ice packs, however, make sure that you wrap them in a towel and not placing them directly on your skin. After the first few days, there may be a reduction in sensation and leaving an ice pack that’s unwrapped for too long could potentially cause an ice burn.

Avoid sun exposure

After a neck lift procedure, it is recommended to avoid sun exposure as it can result in darkening of the skin and hyperpigmentation. Moreover, the skin around the incisions is also incredibly sensitive after surgery so you’ll want to protect it as much as possible.

If you do need to venture outside, it’s best to cover the neck area with a scarf or clothing. You should also apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 on your incision area – even if it’s covered by clothing. 

Keep in touch with your doctor

After your procedure, your doctor will provide you with personalised and specific instructions on what medications you should be taking, and details for your recovery. It’s important to take all this onboard and ask questions if there’s anything that you’re unclear on.

If any questions arise during your recovery, please ensure you reach out to your doctor for advice or guidance.

Prioritise rest and nutrition

Rest and nutrition are both important in ensuring a smooth recovery. As your body uses energy to heal itself, make sure that you’re getting at least seven to eight hours of sleep a day.

Some of the best foods that you can incorporate into your diet within the recovery period include fresh vegetables, wholegrains and lean protein. Foods you should avoid on the other hand, include processed foods and dairy products as they can also cause inflammation.  

If you’re ready to schedule your first consultation, get in touch with Dr. Mark Lee here.

Please be aware that choosing to have surgery is a serious personal decision and undertaking. Be mindful that any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks.

A liposuction procedure is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries performed today. Commonly mistaken as a weight loss technique, liposuction can be effective at reducing body fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. Most commonly, the pockets of fat are on the inner thighs and hips of women and on the abdomen of men.

If you’re looking to get a liposuction procedure, here are five things that you should know.

Liposuction often uses ultrasound and laser technology

Traditional liposuction (also known as tumescent liposuction) typically involves several small incisions before small hollow tubes (cannulas) of only 1.5mm in size pumps the fat back and forth to dislodge the deposits before a surgical vacuum removes it.

Newer types of liposuction, however, include ultra-sound as well as laser-assisted techniques. Depending on the patient and the desired outcomes your doctor may opt to use ultra-sound energy to break up the fat before placing fine tubes through very small incisions help to remove it.

Liposuction works best on individuals that have firm and elastic skin

Liposuction works best for adults who are within 30% of their ideal body weight. Ideal candidates should also have firm and elastic skin, good muscle tone, and be a non-smoker.

Liposuction is not a weight loss or cellulite-reduction procedure

In most instances, liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that helps in improving the overall appearance of a body area. The goal of a liposuction procedure is to reshape or contour a body area by removing fat deposits.

A common misconception of liposuction is that it helps with removing cellulite when that isn’t the case. While a liposuction surgical procedure can slightly improve the appearance of cellulite, it will not fix or remove it altogether.

Strenuous activities need to be limited for a few weeks

In addition to the face and breasts, there are many cosmetic procedures specific to body shape and contour available.

In most instances, you will be able to return to work and daily activities within a few days, however, your doctor may advise you to avoid any overly strenuous activities and sports.

The swelling from the liposuction procedure typically takes the longest to resolve and you may continue to see swelling around the liposuction area for a several weeks.

Liposuction does come with its risks

While liposuction is generally a very safe procedure, like any other surgery, there are some risks. Some of these risks include scarring, dimpling and poor skin elasticity.

If you are considering liposuction, it’s important that you find a fully trained plastic surgeon or general surgeon that has plenty of experience.

To learn more about how Dr Mark Lee can help you achieve your aesthetic goals, get in touch with the team to book your consultation.

Choosing to have plastic surgery is a serious personal decision and undertaking. Please be mindful that any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks.